After last year’s success of our (virtual) writing retreats, we are finally bringing them back!
We hope you had a great start to the new term. The “New Year, New Me” motivation might be starting to wear off so we thought to keep this momentum going through the next months we have set up a few virtual study sessions.
Even though some of us can start going back to studying in Senate House, we want to keep our student community connected by still offering the opportunity to study collectively – no matter where you are in the world.
So here are some dates for your diary:
Monday, 7th February: Long Session
Wednesday, 16th February: Short Session
Monday, 28th February: Long Session
Wednesday, 9th March: Short Session
Monday, 21st March: Long Session
The online retreats will be a mixture of long and short sessions. The long sessions include two 1hr30 writing stints with a 30 min break and will start at 13.30 and run through until just after 5pm.
The shorter sessions will be one 1hr30 session starting at 2pm with a longer debrief afterwards.
Send an email to sasiety@postgrad.sas.ac.uk stating the dates of the study sessions you want to join!
Just as last year, the writing retreats are open to all and pretty informal. The virtual study room is a quiet space during the allocated writing time(s), but we will be having chats before and after each session as well as 30 min breaks in-between.
There is no rule saying you have to work on your thesis. Some of us transcribe files during the sessions, others work on side projects, or conference abstracts. What you work on is up to you, we just thought you might like some company.