For this symposium, we had two distinctive aims: firstly, to celebrate women — everywhere. Secondly, we wanted to facilitate a discussion on relevant feminist issues by bringing together artists, academics, and scholars with many different ideas and visions and to make it as accessible as possible. Through this symposium, we are expressing a desire for inclusivity and to understand the multifaceted forms of oppression that women experience on a day to day basis on account of the colour of their skin, their religion, their sexual orientation, and their very gender identity.

From retrieving women from the archives, to intersectionality and feminism, to the future of feminism, our speakers will be tackling the meaning of feminism to them, how they practice, explore, and understand the term. We do not merely want to discuss those complex issues, but to provide a fresh, interdisciplinary perspective that speaks to and engages with individuals from all over the world. 

You can read more about our symposium here and here.  The event is free and available to all, but availability is limited, so book your tickets below! 

Meet the Organisers

Natalia Fantetti

Natalia Fantetti – Academic Events Officer

Women’s issues have always been important to me, whether that is how they manifest in academia, in art, or in everyday life, which has now led to my PhD work on women’s contributions to the medieval manuscript trade in the early 20th century.

Elena Zolotariov — SASiety President

As a student of literature, we are taught about feminist thought in depth — and yet, I personally had never been given the opportunity to think about the present of feminism interwoven with the past and the future. I am delighted that we are able to hear from so many voices about all aspects of feminist thought that is pertinent to our daily lives.



retrieving women from the archives

On the 8th March 2021 at 11.30, join us for a discussion about retrieving women from the archives: voices that have been lost or forgotten through the passing of time and are being rediscovered through exploration and research. Read more here.

feminism & intersectionality

Coined by scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989, Intersectional Feminism concerns itself with issues around racial justice, identity politics, and policing. Oppression, according to Crenshaw, exists at an intersection: one’s identity can be oppressed through race, gender, sex, sexuality, class, ability, nationality, citizenship, religion and body type. Read more here.

the future of feminism

What does the future of Feminism look like to you? Last year for Women’s History Month, Vox asked five feminists about the potential of feminist thought to change and shape the world. For Mikki Kendall, mainstream feminism would “support movements ranging from disability rights to labour activism because it would understand that every issue that impacts women is a feminist issue.” Read more here.

I want to facilitate hearing different perspectives on women’s contributions to academia, the arts and life in general; get scholars and people with various viewpoints to talk to each other. It is all about conversation. Really, it is a twofold aim. We want to challenge ideas and think about thought-provoking concepts with our themes and speakers. But the symposium is also a celebration of women.
Natalia Fantetti
natalia fAntetti
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